Monday, September 28, 2020


And why does a "SHE" deserve respect?

Is it because she is a female?


Is it because she delivers a child?


Or is it because she bleeds every month?

Not at all!

She deserves respect because she is loved!

When she cries, don't tell her she is weak;

Teach her to wipe her own tears;

When she attains puberty, don't tell she has become a girl;

Tell her she is matured.

When she drives, don't fear;

Give her a few more works on the way to finish.

When she is 21, don't talk about labor pain;

She knows well what career pains are; Let her live all of them.

When she decides, don't advice;

Let her face it - Success or failure.

When she marries, don't pester her with questions of children;

The two can now decide as one.

She deserves respect because she is seen differently though she does similar things;

Why should she be seen differently when she can talk, walk, decide, earn and save!

Isn't it just what "Anybody and Everybody" does?

Then why the special status of "SHE DID IT!"

Or why a stupid sentence beginning with "BEING A GIRL..."


For God's sake man!

And girls!

Do not beg for respect.

Earn it; Live it!

Don't expect a wonder-woman complementing a superman;

Don't yearn for a spotlight;

Do never long for a man who keeps you happier;

Long for a mutually-respecting relationship!

Don't fight for reservation;

You should be taken in because you are perfectly qualified,

Not because you are a girl!

This marks the end of FEMINISM!

Don't approve of the Feminism that fights for your reservation;

Instead fight within; A stronger fight,

To become more stronger, intelligent and deserving for that position!

A child learning to walk uses a baby walker;

An educated one walking under the shadow of his parents, is named a dependent;

You in need of someone or something,

Need becoming a point of dependency,

Dependency becoming your weakness,

And weakness stripping you of YOUR  OWN RESPECT!

Education is to you, what a baby-walker is to a kid;

Feminism is to you, what parents are to you, beyond helping educate yourself!

Choose for your SELF!

A self that's striving really hard to smoothen the differences that the world thrusts upon you;

A self that doesn't know the difference between a man and a woman;

A self that only knows ways of keeping you happier, stronger and powerful from within;

And one that actually RESPECTS YOU, no matter what!!!

And you boys out there!!

Why should you respect her?

Is it because she is a girl?

Is it because she is a feminist?

Or is it because she is just an usual fellow being?

A standard NO to all of these society-framework-backed questions!!

You respect her,

When there is real love within you;

When you know respect isn't to be asked for;

When you actually realize, 'I respect you' is powerful than 'I love you'..!!

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