Monday, July 20, 2020


When I'm tired of the world shouting at me,
And sick of the noise within me,

When my mind is drying off of emotions,
And obsessed with my inner connections,

When I don't want to push myself,
But need a quest within my inner self,

When I'm at the peak of losing my cool,
But my other half makes me a fool,

When I need neither a shoulder nor a pillow,
Be it my blunder or my bellow,

When all I need is some silence,
That could slowly reap me my patience,

When I actually need nothing,

Why should I not say nothing?

Is the world running out of noise?
Or am I running out of silence?

Isn't a need of not wanting more intense than a need of wanting?
Isn't a no more deeper than a yes?

Am I questioning the unanswerable?
Or is this all my disillusionment?

Perhaps I'm tied blind in a rather colorful world,
And let cried in a fairly deaf world;
I shed tears for saying nothing,
And am blind by my ignorance of the noisy world rules!

Wait a minute!
Did a colorful world just become dark by my scarf of nothing,
Or an otherwise deaf world bothered by my silence??
Sarcasm hits me hard!

Perhaps I should grow up,
Or have a loud voice!
Which is quite tough to a self,
That had once been loud,
And now quiet, for quite some time!!


  1. Now Iam not saying anything 😂..Awestruck♥️..

  2. A nice expression of a human feeling and definitely indulge the reader into a great thought process.

    My thoughts kept circling and understood the following...

    NOTHING is a symbol of peace...

    NOTHING emphasises nothing should be continued that was being done;
    NOTHING emphasises nothing should change that had been happening before;
    NOTHING emphasises it is sometimes something better than having something

  3. Beautifully expressed.It felt some one is describing my thoughts.
