Wednesday, August 12, 2020


"Through the darkness, I could see him,

And thru the chill, feel him;

My nights spent in dreams of his embrace,

And days spent awaiting the nights to grace;

All thru my life,

I had been welcoming dreams thru shut eyes;

And here he is, into my life,

To teach me, dreams visit us thru open eyes too!

I struggled to find out what's around me,

He made me realize it's all about what's within me!

I thought I'm being blessed by the angels of love,

But later I realized my practical self within me,

Now, here's my practical self to answer my unanswerable emotion-LOVE..!!"

"Hey You!!

Love isn't a game of hearts,

But a game of brains;

In the former, the more you emote, the stronger it gets,

And in the latter, the more you think, the deeper it confuses!

So, just experience it with an open mind,

And accept the fact that heart is just a pumping kind;

Man! What have you done to the cute little pumping organ?

Wasn't it supposed to be interacting with the atria and the ventricles??

You have attached a thousand odd functions called emotions,

And now the heart itself needs someone to speak its heart out!

Sarcasm at peak!

And now, I confess to my emotional self, that:

All u saw thru the darkness,

Felt thru the winter chill,

All theories of the shut eyes

And dreams of the open eyes,

All is nothing, but a game of your practical self - ME!

While the whole world is so obsessed with finding love,

I couldn't find a better way to bring you to the real time;

To help u stay practical and stick to life's routines,

Irrespective of the man in your life!

Because, Love is abstract 

While Life is a practical fact;

And so, I disguised as the love of your life,

To make you realize,

I LOVE YOU, more than anyone else in the world;

And now, if your grammar teacher questions you "What is abstract?"

Tell her "LOVE"..!!

With lots of practical love,

Your Practical Self (P.S.)"

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