Monday, September 28, 2020


And why does a "SHE" deserve respect?

Is it because she is a female?


Is it because she delivers a child?


Or is it because she bleeds every month?

Not at all!

She deserves respect because she is loved!

When she cries, don't tell her she is weak;

Teach her to wipe her own tears;

When she attains puberty, don't tell she has become a girl;

Tell her she is matured.

When she drives, don't fear;

Give her a few more works on the way to finish.

When she is 21, don't talk about labor pain;

She knows well what career pains are; Let her live all of them.

When she decides, don't advice;

Let her face it - Success or failure.

When she marries, don't pester her with questions of children;

The two can now decide as one.

She deserves respect because she is seen differently though she does similar things;

Why should she be seen differently when she can talk, walk, decide, earn and save!

Isn't it just what "Anybody and Everybody" does?

Then why the special status of "SHE DID IT!"

Or why a stupid sentence beginning with "BEING A GIRL..."


For God's sake man!

And girls!

Do not beg for respect.

Earn it; Live it!

Don't expect a wonder-woman complementing a superman;

Don't yearn for a spotlight;

Do never long for a man who keeps you happier;

Long for a mutually-respecting relationship!

Don't fight for reservation;

You should be taken in because you are perfectly qualified,

Not because you are a girl!

This marks the end of FEMINISM!

Don't approve of the Feminism that fights for your reservation;

Instead fight within; A stronger fight,

To become more stronger, intelligent and deserving for that position!

A child learning to walk uses a baby walker;

An educated one walking under the shadow of his parents, is named a dependent;

You in need of someone or something,

Need becoming a point of dependency,

Dependency becoming your weakness,

And weakness stripping you of YOUR  OWN RESPECT!

Education is to you, what a baby-walker is to a kid;

Feminism is to you, what parents are to you, beyond helping educate yourself!

Choose for your SELF!

A self that's striving really hard to smoothen the differences that the world thrusts upon you;

A self that doesn't know the difference between a man and a woman;

A self that only knows ways of keeping you happier, stronger and powerful from within;

And one that actually RESPECTS YOU, no matter what!!!

And you boys out there!!

Why should you respect her?

Is it because she is a girl?

Is it because she is a feminist?

Or is it because she is just an usual fellow being?

A standard NO to all of these society-framework-backed questions!!

You respect her,

When there is real love within you;

When you know respect isn't to be asked for;

When you actually realize, 'I respect you' is powerful than 'I love you'..!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

அம்மாவின் இடை......

ஓர் சிசுவையும் சக்கரவர்த்தியாய் உணர்த்துவாள்,
பச்சிளம் குழந்தையிடம் இப்பூமி ஆள சொல்வாள் ; 

 உன் இடையில் அமர்ந்து நான் கண்ட உலகோ பெரிது, 
அனால் உன் உலகை உன் இரு கைகளுக்குள் ஓர் சிறிய இடையில் உன் பிள்ளையாய் அமர்த்திய நீயோ, மானிடம் கண்ட அரிது;

சுடிதார் அணிந்த உன்னை நேர்த்தியாக புடவை கட்டுபவள் என மாற்றியது பெண்மை என்றாலும்,
ஓர் பெண்ணாக இருந்த உன்னை என் கண் கண்ட தேவதையாய் என்னிடம் தந்தது உன் தாய்மை தான்;

மார்போடு என்னை அணைத்து தட்டி கொடுக்காதே என் சேலை கட்டிய அழகியே,
உன் இடையில் அமர்ந்து உன் முகம் பார்த்த படியே உறங்க ஆசை எனக்கு;

தொட்டிலில் என்னை தாலாட்டுவதை நிறுத்திக்கொள்-ஆம் ஆணை இடுகிறேன், செல்லமாய்;
உன் குரல் கேட்டு ரசிப்பதா, இல்லை ராகம் மதித்து உறங்குவதா என்று குழம்பி போகிறேன்;

நான் வந்து ஆறு மாதம் ஆனதென,
நான் நடக்கும் வயது வந்து விட்டதென நீ குதிக்கும் ஆட்டத்தில்,
உன் இடை சிம்மாசனத்தை விட்டு பிரியும் வலியையும் நான் மறந்தேனடி கண்ணம்மா;
என் அம்மா;

மீண்டும் நான் சிறியவன் ஆவது சாத்தியமற்றதேனிலும்,
என்றும் நீ என் புடவை உடுத்திய சிம்மாசனம் தான்;
நான் நடந்து வென்ற பின்,என்னை நீ அணைக்கும் வேளையில்,
ஒன்றை உணர்ந்தேன்:

"உன் இடை சிம்மாசனம் உடையவில்லை;
நெற்றியில் உன் முத்தம் கிரீடமென உடன் இருக்க,
இவ்வுலகை ஆள செல்கிறேன்,
என் அம்மாவின் முத்தங்களோடு"

பாதம் தொட்டு முகம் காணாமல் வாங்குவது ஆசிர்வாதம் என்றால்,
முகம் பார்த்து கண்கள் முட்டி நெற்றியில் முத்தம் வாங்குவதை வேறு எவனும் என்னை போல் உணர்ந்ததில்லை என்று அறிகிறேன்!!

ஆறு மாத குழந்தையா இப்படி பேசுகிறது என்று ஆச்சர்யம் கொள்ள வேண்டாம்;
அம்மாவின் இடையை வர்ணிக்க வயது தேவையில்லை;
அவள் கருவில் சிசுவாய் வரம் கொண்டால் போதும்;
உயிர் கொடுத்து, புடவை உடுத்தி, பாலூட்டி, சிம்மாசனத்தில் அமரவைத்து, கட்டி அணைத்து, மகுடம் சூட்டி அழகு பார்ப்பாள்;
நீ நடப்பதிலும் பெருமை கொள்வாள்!!

ஆறு மாத குழந்தை..

Monday, August 17, 2020

I HATE...............


That have shaped human eyes to envision a 50-yr old HE as hot and handsome,

But picturize a 40-yr-old SHE as a senior artist and fat-some;

That always offer the same 50-yr old HE with a new 18-yr-old SHE,

But offer to the same 40-yr-old SHE, a Saas or a Bhaabhi;

Excuse Me??!!

Weren't films meant to revolutionize the thinking?? 

That has been caged by the world that's shrinking?? 


Rules that are gender-biased:

That always blame HIM for a couple error,

And praise HER for a redundant slap;

Rules that are sympathizing:

Towards a girl on her periods, 

And a boy for his family-sake-sacrifices;

Excuse Me??!!

Don't girls sacrifice, 

Or don't boys have their...😝 

Their own pains to suffice!! 


I hate the way boys love;

With assumptions of their own,

About the girl they assume they own!!

With the abundant love they shower,

Assuming it gives HER the world's power!

Excuse me??!!

Are you on a women empowerment program or a cross major feminist😯??

And Hey!!

I hate the way girls love;

With all the emotions locked in her,

And expecting HIM to un-lock them without the slightest of the clues altogether?

With all the world's possessiveness within her,

But exclaims to love him forever???

Excuse me??!!

Isn't being possessive an epitome of insecured-ness?

Or am I being the overconfident one with all my individual secured-ness😎?


Which continues to be the next big news,

And here comes the Power of Rejection-When a girl chooses to refuse;

Instead of setting up minds for compatibility,

It begins with a photograph and ends with a party;

A Non-Photo-Face SHE WEDS An Introvert HE!

Then comes the NEXT BIG NEWS-BABY....Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Before they even get to know each other perfectly,

They start getting to know physical-ly,

And the result??

HE gets to know her as the KID'S MOM,

And SHE HIM, as the KID's DAD!

Excuse me??!!

Aren't marriages meant to be partner-hunts???


And worst part when it gets along with its partner LOVE, 

Their is nothing but everything that goes into the rubble! 

Love and emotion form a breakable bond, 

That only brain can break-up!

How can anyone not accept the proposal of the most loyal Brain? 

Perhaps the possessive Heart out there makes it all go in vain!

Put simply, what are emotions? 

They just camouflage the brain's suggestions! 

When the Brain tells, "Don't care", 

The Emotion wails, "Love is care"! 

When the Brain suggests, "Never mind", 

The Emotion screams, "It's always mine"! 

When the Brain says, "Love yourself", 

The Emotion stays at, "Expect for yourself"! 

And the innocent body takes in the Emotion, 

And leaves the Brain broken apart!

Expectations are twin kids of Emotions;

One does sympathize with the expect-or, 

And the other does agonize the fulfill-er! 

You choose Emotion when You decide to stab yourself, 

You accept Brain when You decide to live for your own self!!

Choose the films,

Modify the rules,

Plan your love,

Fix your marriage;

All this is possible,

When you emote thru your Brain!!

Emotions aren't that bad,

Even practicality is one Emotion😜..!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


"Through the darkness, I could see him,

And thru the chill, feel him;

My nights spent in dreams of his embrace,

And days spent awaiting the nights to grace;

All thru my life,

I had been welcoming dreams thru shut eyes;

And here he is, into my life,

To teach me, dreams visit us thru open eyes too!

I struggled to find out what's around me,

He made me realize it's all about what's within me!

I thought I'm being blessed by the angels of love,

But later I realized my practical self within me,

Now, here's my practical self to answer my unanswerable emotion-LOVE..!!"

"Hey You!!

Love isn't a game of hearts,

But a game of brains;

In the former, the more you emote, the stronger it gets,

And in the latter, the more you think, the deeper it confuses!

So, just experience it with an open mind,

And accept the fact that heart is just a pumping kind;

Man! What have you done to the cute little pumping organ?

Wasn't it supposed to be interacting with the atria and the ventricles??

You have attached a thousand odd functions called emotions,

And now the heart itself needs someone to speak its heart out!

Sarcasm at peak!

And now, I confess to my emotional self, that:

All u saw thru the darkness,

Felt thru the winter chill,

All theories of the shut eyes

And dreams of the open eyes,

All is nothing, but a game of your practical self - ME!

While the whole world is so obsessed with finding love,

I couldn't find a better way to bring you to the real time;

To help u stay practical and stick to life's routines,

Irrespective of the man in your life!

Because, Love is abstract 

While Life is a practical fact;

And so, I disguised as the love of your life,

To make you realize,

I LOVE YOU, more than anyone else in the world;

And now, if your grammar teacher questions you "What is abstract?"

Tell her "LOVE"..!!

With lots of practical love,

Your Practical Self (P.S.)"

Monday, July 20, 2020


When I'm tired of the world shouting at me,
And sick of the noise within me,

When my mind is drying off of emotions,
And obsessed with my inner connections,

When I don't want to push myself,
But need a quest within my inner self,

When I'm at the peak of losing my cool,
But my other half makes me a fool,

When I need neither a shoulder nor a pillow,
Be it my blunder or my bellow,

When all I need is some silence,
That could slowly reap me my patience,

When I actually need nothing,

Why should I not say nothing?

Is the world running out of noise?
Or am I running out of silence?

Isn't a need of not wanting more intense than a need of wanting?
Isn't a no more deeper than a yes?

Am I questioning the unanswerable?
Or is this all my disillusionment?

Perhaps I'm tied blind in a rather colorful world,
And let cried in a fairly deaf world;
I shed tears for saying nothing,
And am blind by my ignorance of the noisy world rules!

Wait a minute!
Did a colorful world just become dark by my scarf of nothing,
Or an otherwise deaf world bothered by my silence??
Sarcasm hits me hard!

Perhaps I should grow up,
Or have a loud voice!
Which is quite tough to a self,
That had once been loud,
And now quiet, for quite some time!!

Friday, July 10, 2020



     Every time someone enters into your home and when you rarely get out to welcome them with an unwelcoming warm smile,you get a reply, "Oh my!Aren't you trying any remedy to get rid of those pimples?"...Oooooofffff...!!!That is the end!

     Hey baby!I,your skin,am out here to burst out my anguish..!! Why is everyone so obsessed with your appearance?I tell you I seriously don't get it. I haven't heard anybody talking to you regarding your higher studies, job expectations, extra curricular activities, hobbies, etc, etc. I think the person sitting opposite you doesn't even realize that you actually go through the so-called highly technical phases of life. While the rest of the world(P.S. This world consists of ONLY MEN)is so occupied in shaping their unplanned futures that is of course filled with hurdles, I find people around you not even realizing you have one too! And screaming at them every day to make them realize this fact is your one big hurdle. Even I wish I could scream and question the very notion of education, when, a doctor or an architect or a pilot or every one educated soul for that matter, asks you about your pimple remedies and tests your culinary skills just because you are a girl and therefore you are supposed to fit into their imbecile definition of 'HER'.

    I guess their knowledge canvas dictates to them about virginity every time they see a human being with lifted chests instead of flat ones and flat vagina instead of...!!!As a non-human-being, I am urged to ask you this:🤫Will your girl-ness diminish by your late 20s or early 30s???🤫I don't think YES!!I also strongly believe that you know yourself, physically and mentally, than any other nudging aunt or pestering uncle out there trying to fix alliances to the next ELIGIBLE KID in their circle of successfully married grown up kids!Every time they come up to you and indoctrinate you to get married to some random guy with 1 sibling residing with his parents in a sweet little house in the 4th street of a beautiful colony in the state's capital, I know you would not smile but pity at the non-functioning of the cerebral part of their brains!!But,hey!Just calm down; We are helpless. One can never ever straighten a man's tail😔!!
(P.S. Man here is genderless)

    Baby!I know what kind of a person you are. You never even tried to pop the pimples I give you. Instead you always found beauty within the cute little bumps in your face!I wanted to tell you I give you those as a gift of your hard work skipping meals in summer!I give you dark circles as a remembrance of you, burning the midnight oil!I give you tanned skin when you succeed in learning to drive even under the scorching sun!You know what???

     I prefer taking the form of a pimple on a successful woman's face than a cute little mole on a passionless limp...!!!

With Love,

Your Skin